Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Detox your body - live longer!

An unhealthy colon is one in which fecal 

matter has been allowed to build up on its 

walls and within its cells. Over time, this 

fecal matter becomes encrusted in the 

colon, blocking its openings and slowing 

down the passage of stools. This fecal 

matter then continues to build up for days, 

weeks, months, and even years, putrefying 

and then poisoning your entire system. 

Poor health in the colon can lead to the 

development of a number of other 

conditions. Illnesses such as 

cardiovascular disease, cancer, colds, 

influenza, arthritis, and allergies are all 

examples of diseases that have been 

associated with a toxic colon. In fact, in 

most cases, the severity of a disease can 

be linked directly to the level of toxicity in 

the colon.

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