Ok so you've decided to get serious and Detox your body...
You've heard about it, seen things about it, you may have even dabbled in it a little...but NOW
you are really ready to do this!
Good for you! Do it for your Body will thank you for it!
Perhaps you are wondering "How do we actually do this?
So do we just jump into it? Should we prepare our bodies?
Well, I am going to give just a few tips that may help you get ready for your Detox/Cleanse.
In preparation for your cleanse, it’s good to take a few factors into consideration.
Think about this: What has your diet been like the last six months to a year? Do you regularly eat fast foods like pizza, hamburgers, fries, nachos, cake, cookies, donuts and such? Do you regularly drink alcohol? Do you smoke or take drugs and that includes OTC - Over The Counter Drugs? These are very important factors to consider.
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may want to take a good 5-7 days before you start your detox/cleanse to prepare your body. By following the recommendations below, you will gently prepare your body to get the most out of your cleanse.
If you tend to have
Here is a main thing: drink at least 8 glasses of clean water If you are using water filters in your home that is great! If you do not have a home water filter system then do the best you can with what you have. You can also get distilled water from your local grocery store of places like Walgreens, Walmart, CVS, Rite Aid etc. Enjoy these foods freely—all organic variety, please:
- All fresh fruit, except bananas
- All veggies, especially dark leafy greens (kale, spinach, collards, broccoli, parsley)
- Gluten-free organic grains, like quinoa,
brown rice , millet, buckwheat, corn, amaranth - Fresh nut milks i.e. almond, coconut milk
- Greenfed Cultured Dairy
- Coconut water
- Beans Lentils and legumes
- Nuts, specifically raw almonds, cashews, pecans,walnuts
- Seeds, specifically pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, hemp (hemp hearts are great to add in smoothies)
- Super foods, like cacao, chia seeds, goji berries, maca powder, green powders, açai
- Apple cider vinegar Lemon Sea vegetables, like dulse, wakame, nori, kelp, spirulina, chlorella, blue green
- Oils, specifically olive, grapeseed, sesame (raw), coconut and unheated oils of flax, primrose, borage
- Raw olives (some say consume olives/oil some say not to...personally I DO.)
- All herbs, especially turmeric, oregano, mint, cilantro, parsley, thyme
- Herbal tea, like dandelion root, burdock, red clover, ginger
- Fermented drinks like coconut kefir
- Sea salt or pink
Himalayan pink salt - Organic eggs
- If you eat meat eat, stick to organic chicken or turkey and wild salmon
- Alcohol
- Coffee (Try switching to Green Tea – talk about natural energy - it’s high in antioxidants and balances blood sugar)
- Stay AWAY from all Soy products (read the labels)
- All white sugar and products containing (cookies, cakes, candy, cereals, packaged foods)
- Processed foods (packaged foods, crackers, chips, salty snacks)
- White flour
It is my hope and prayer that you look at these and incorporate these tips into your life!
Happy Detoxing!
In HIS Majesty's Service,
Mary Thomas