Monday, September 1, 2014

Tips on Preparing Your Body for Detoxing

Ok so you've decided to get serious and Detox your body...
You've heard about it, seen things about it, you may have even dabbled in it a little...but NOW
you are really ready to do this!
Good for you! Do it for your Body will thank you for it!
Perhaps you are wondering "How do we actually do this?
So do we just jump into it? Should we prepare our bodies?
Well, I am going to  give just a few tips that may help you get ready for your Detox/Cleanse.

In preparation for your cleanse, it’s good to take a few factors into consideration.
Think about this: What has your diet been like the last six months to a year? Do you regularly eat fast foods like pizza, hamburgers, fries, nachos, cake, cookies, donuts and such? Do you regularly drink alcohol? Do you smoke or take drugs and that includes OTC - Over The Counter Drugs? These are very important factors to consider.
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may want to take a good 5-7 days before you start your detox/cleanse to prepare your body. By following the recommendations below, you will gently prepare your body to get the most out of your cleanse.

If you tend to have a healthy diet taking the 90 essential nutrients that the body need for maximum health, eating organic fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, organic meats and eggs and drinking 8 glasses of water a day, with the occasional glass of wine, you should be fine doing a 5-7-8 day preparation.

Here is a main thing: drink at least 8 glasses of clean water If  you are using water filters in your home that is great! If you do not have a home water filter system then do the best you can with what you have. You can also get distilled water from your local grocery store of places like Walgreens, Walmart, CVS, Rite Aid etc. Enjoy these foods freely—all organic variety, please:
  • All fresh fruit, except bananas
  • All veggies, especially dark leafy greens (kale, spinach, collards, broccoli, parsley)
  • Gluten-free organic grains, like quinoa, brown rice, millet, buckwheat, corn, amaranth
  • Fresh nut milks i.e. almond, coconut milk
  • Greenfed Cultured Dairy
  • Coconut water
  • Beans Lentils and legumes
  • Nuts, specifically raw almonds, cashews, pecans,walnuts
  • Seeds, specifically pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, hemp (hemp hearts are great to add in smoothies)
  • Super foods, like cacao, chia seeds, goji berries, maca powder, green powders, açai
  • Apple cider vinegar Lemon Sea vegetables, like dulse, wakame, nori, kelp, spirulina, chlorella, blue green
  • Oils, specifically olive, grapeseed, sesame (raw), coconut and unheated oils of flax, primrose, borage
  • Raw olives (some say consume olives/oil some say not to...personally I DO.)
  • All herbs, especially turmeric, oregano, mint, cilantro, parsley, thyme
  • Herbal tea, like dandelion root, burdock, red clover, ginger
  • Fermented drinks like coconut kefir
  • Sea salt or pink
  • Himalayan pink salt
  • Organic eggs
  • If you eat meat eat, stick to organic chicken or turkey and wild salmon
Foods to Remove from Diet

  • Alcohol
  • Coffee (Try switching to Green Tea – talk about natural energy - it’s high in antioxidants and balances blood sugar)
  • Stay AWAY from all Soy products (read the labels)
  • All white sugar and products containing (cookies, cakes, candy, cereals, packaged foods)
  • Processed foods (packaged foods, crackers, chips, salty snacks)
  • White flour
It is my hope and prayer that you look at these and incorporate these tips into your life!
Happy Detoxing!

In HIS Majesty's Service,

 Mary Thomas

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Suero Cleansing Whey

Detox your body and save your life!

3 day Detox. Understand what viseral fat around the middle does to the Body!

Expel toxins from the entire body not just the lower colon.

Get your culture whey here: Live Long Stay Strong

Item number: USBY0012

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Being on a Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) without Iaso HCG Drops

The consumption of
A Very Low Calorie Diet or VLCD
Just in case you have anyone that challenges people whom think that
the VLCD will allow you to lose weight w/out the Drops... They Will Shed But IN A Unhealthy Manner.

Well here's a answer for them...Hope This Helps Someone.
Why would I not just go on the low calorie diet without the drops?
When you try to lose weight solely by a low calorie diet, you will first lose normal fat
reserves. Only as a last resort will your body deplete abnormal fat reserves. By that time you usually will feel weak and hungry enough that the diet is pushed aside and eventually abandoned. This is the reason that obese patients complain that when they diet the lose the wrong fat or muscle mass. They
feel famished, tired, and their face becomes drawn and haggard, but their body shows little
signs of improvement. The fat they have come to despise remains with them and the fat the body
needs to cover their bones and vital organs depletes.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

My Kids Call Me Fat

RLOL, You don't have to stay fat...Hey we are ALL working on this is some shape or another!

Contact me today and join our 90 day challenge!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Black Women In Fitness 3 ~ 72 year old Ernestine Shepherd

Detox your body - live longer!

An unhealthy colon is one in which fecal 

matter has been allowed to build up on its 

walls and within its cells. Over time, this 

fecal matter becomes encrusted in the 

colon, blocking its openings and slowing 

down the passage of stools. This fecal 

matter then continues to build up for days, 

weeks, months, and even years, putrefying 

and then poisoning your entire system. 

Poor health in the colon can lead to the 

development of a number of other 

conditions. Illnesses such as 

cardiovascular disease, cancer, colds, 

influenza, arthritis, and allergies are all 

examples of diseases that have been 

associated with a toxic colon. In fact, in 

most cases, the severity of a disease can 

be linked directly to the level of toxicity in 

the colon.

Friday, April 18, 2014